WAR OF 1812
A film and curriculum package designed for the classroom
The Niagara Frontier, 1813
Traditional First Nations fighting tactics and a good helping of Irish blarney humble the American invaders and save hundreds of military lives.
This unusual battle at Beaver Dams exemplifies the ways in which the culture of the First Nations people and their desire for peace impacted the War of 1812.
This story commemorates the sacrifice of many and is told with action and emotion.
For Educators
A fully developed lesson with resources keyed to the film examines the role of the First Nations in this critical battle that some say was the turning point in the war in the Niagara Peninsula.
Explore Activities link the video to a broad curriculum spectrum including Language, Theatre Arts, Geography, and Media.
For people interested in the War of 1812, five Research Resources provide background information about the war and a comprehensive resource list. Contact us for these materials →
200 Years in the Making
Retired history teacher and historian, Doug Massey, spearheaded the quest to create a unique and historically significant teaching tool related to the War of 1812. With support from the Government of Canada's 1812 Bicentennial Fund, The Battle of Beaver Dams: Uncommon Courage was born. Making the film involved the help of dozens of volunteers, historians, and educators along with the film and television experience of The Shooting Eye and director Jeremy Major.