It’s that creepy time of year, when the veil between our world and the world of the supernatural thins. We can hear their echoes and feel their presence… And, heck, we can also make short, fun, eerie films about them! Enjoy this selection of three suspenseful shorts from over the years, including one about a soul-stealing witch, a second about an alien invasion, and a third about dancing ghouls.
Scroll down if you dare!

Legend of the Harvest Curse - Director Jeremy Major, Producer Christena Hampson
In this short film, we take you back to 1800s New England. The witch hunts are over… or are they? Evidence of a strange creature has surfaced - a creature curse by witches that steals the soul of a young boy. His family will have to find and kill the creature if the boy is to survive until daybreak. Based on African legends of Maita.

JUXT - Directed by Jeremy Major, Produced for the Hamilton Film Festival
This short film was produced as part of a continuing story at the Hamilton Film Festival, where a new instalment would be created each year. We were fortunate enough to be asked to participate. The previous instalment ended with an alien ship crashing to Earth. That’s where this story begins. And we were to leave something for the next filmmakers to pick up on. The rest was a blank canvas — press play to see what we created. Turn the light out if you dare!
(Warning, this film contains flashing lights)

Danse Macabre - Directed by Jeremy Major, Performed by Freedom Studios Dancers, in collaboration with the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
This is one of the stranger films we’ve created. It was made for a Halloween show by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. The short film played to a live orchestral performance. The dancers were from Freedom Studios - the Creative Arts centre. The story, is based on the music itself, a “tone poem” for orchestra by French composer Camille Saint-Saens that tells the story of Death calling forth the dead on Halloween to dance for him. But when a bride-to-be ends up at the wrong place at the wrong time, all hell breaks loose - so to speak.
Enjoy this strange little piece, set in the style of early cinema.