Gain an Edge with Three Essential Brand Stories
Putting storytelling at the centre of your brand’s public-facing journey will allow customers to connect to it in a deeper, more meaningful way.
Let’s discuss, shall we?
By Jeremy Major
I like to talk about Brand Storytelling because I think it’s underrated. Even among big, multinational brands. So this is an area where savvy entrepreneurs can find an edge. When done well, it’s a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on its audience (customers).
Every entrepreneur should be telling 3 essential stories to build their brand: Origin Story, Vision Story, and Why Story. These narratives encompass where you came from, where you're going, and the spark that ignites your passion and drives your business. Stories have immense power to shape how your audience perceives the world. As a business tool, storytelling can solve problems within your organization, enhance your brand, and inspire audiences to become loyal customers. While there are many types of stories, these three should form the bedrock of your brand's content experience.
Let’s dive into each one:
The Origin story serves as a powerful tool to launch a new product or service and introduce your brand to a new space. Additionally, as a nice byproduct, it reawakens enthusiasm for your products and services by deepening connections with customers who already know you.
The Why story is exceptional at fostering trust, increasing brand awareness, and forging deeper connections with customers. It's often said that customers buy your "why." I like to say that in an ideal customer experience, individuals align so closely with your company values that their purchases become a form of expression for the connection they feel.
The Vision story is a captivating narrative that gains support for your brand's cause - your underlying mission and desired future. It reveals the direction you're heading, the utopian world your brand aims to create, and the exciting products or services that will change the world.
A recent example of an Origin story that touches on the many values that drive the business.
These three story types play a pivotal role in shaping how customers experience your brand. Furthermore, the exercise of working through their development offers significant benefits to your organization. Exploring the key points you wish to convey helps you distill your story to its most important and poignant elements.
What medium should you use? All of them. Find ways to weave it into you newsletter, your interactions. But most effective and scalable is on film. A well-crafted short video is easy for your audience to ingest. Am I biased because I make movies? Maybe. But I have also witnessed its effectiveness. This type of pillar content gets attention.
Our original brand story dates waaaay back to 2009, but our clients took notice.
Does it need to be three separate stories? Not necessarily. You have the flexibility to consolidate the key reveals into a single piece. A compelling example of this approach is our own company story, crafted into a 10-minute video back in 2007 (probably a little long by today’s standards). Surprisingly, it generated more buzz than our television shows and films combined (at least, at the time!). Go figure. Clients would reach out to us, expressing their admiration for the video on our website. It's a bit old now, but it was unique in its structure. And while simple by design, it touches on the three tenets we’ve discussed here and conveyed our passion for filmmaking.
Deep down, I have a penchant for helping entrepreneurs with brand storytelling. Being one myself, I understand the journey. And have tremendous admiration for the tireless spirit of the passionate entrepreneur, that courageous leader that mixes business with the pleasure of creating.
Where you came from, where you’re going, and why you love what you do - share it fearlessly with the world and allow your audience to deepen their relationship with you and your brand.
If you need the helps of a professional storyteller to create your Brand Stories, let us know. It’s what we love to do.